Welcome to Baby Room
This room is a home from home environment for your baby as these initial months are mainly emphasised on care, warmth and a smile. This routine is very flexible and we follow home routines carried out by you the parentOur Baby room / toddler room is a bright, well stimulated and planned environment where your child will be engrossed in a wide variety of activities. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage with observations carried out daily. Each child will be allocated a Key Person who will progress and develop a special relationship with your child. Each Key Persons will focus on each child’s individual interests and abilities and this will enable staff to plan the needs of each child individually.

Our 2-3 year old room is a lively, happy environment which your child will thrive upon. This room begins to prepare your child for the pre-school room. There are many exciting activities and resources on offer. The children in this room are looked after in ratios of 4 children to 1 staff member. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage with observations carried out daily.
Each child will be allocated a Key Person who will progress and develop a special relationship with your child. Each Key Persons will focus on each child’s individual interests and abilities and this will enable staff to plan the needs of each child individually.
Welcome to our Daffodils Room
2-3 years

Welcome to our Pre - school room
3 – 5 years
Our Pre – School room follow a well-structured routine which incorporates a holistic approach to their learning and development and our routine will support your child in all areas of the nursery. The children are also given free play which allows them time to explore their own interests.
We have many different visits in this room such as visits from zoo lab, police, fire station and local library which gives children experience into things outside of nursery. The children in this room are looked after in ratios of 13 children to 1 staff member.
Inductions / Settling in period
Trinity Corner Nursery arranges inductions for all children that are designed around your needs and the child's individual needs. Our settling in period is different for every child so we will arrange as many introductory visits as are needed for children until they become settled and familiar with our nursery.
Our Key Person system
Your child will be allocated a key person who will develop a special relationship with your child, settle your child into nursery and support your child on a daily basis. Your child’s key person will give you regular information and meet with you to discuss your child's progress on a regular basis through review meetings and our parent’s evenings. We believe that relationships between our staff and children are very special and recognise every child's individuality, religions, beliefs, achievements, and efforts and we work towards this at all time so all our children receive the best attention to meet their own individual needs, and receive love and care at nursery like they would at home.
Our Staff
Please meet the staff who will care and develop that special relationship with your child at nursery.
Leanne - Nursery Manager
Leanne has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2001. She has a level 3 in First Line Management and a level 4 in childcare and education.
Lucy - Nursery Deputy
Lucy has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2000. Lucy has been awarded a degree in Early Years Professional Status in childcare. Lucy is the nursery SENCO ( special Educational Needs Co-coordinator) and also designated person for Behaviour Management and deputy designated person for Safeguarding.
Michelle- Nursery Assistant
Michelle has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery for over 25 years. She is our longest serving staff member.
Rachael - Nursery Senior
Rachael has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2007, Rachael has level 3 qualification in childcare and education.
Laura S - Nursery Senior
Laura has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2008. she has Level 3 qualification in childcare and education and is room leader. Laura is designated person for Safeguarding and deputy designated person for Nursery SENCO (Special Educational needs Co – Coordinator)​​
Anne - Nursery Officer
Anne has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2015. She holds a level 3 qualification in childcare and education.​
Kerry – Nursery Officer
Kerry has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2021, she has Level 3 qualification in childcare and education, Kerry has over 10 years’ experience working in a nursery.
Leah – Nursery Officer
Leah has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2024,she has Level 3 qualification in childcare and education.
Francesca – Nursery Officer
Francesca has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2024,she has Level 3 qualification in childcare and education. Francesca was a student for 2 years at Trinity corner nursery while completing her childcare qualification.
Sharon - Nursery Chef
Sharon has worked with us at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2024. She is a fantastic chef.
Kelsy – Nursery Senior
Kelsy has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since February 2017. She has a level 3 qualification in childcare and education.
Charlotte - Nursery Senior
Charlotte has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2018. Charlotte has at Level 3 in childcare and Education.
Summer - Nursery Apprentice
Summer has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2022. Summer is currently working toward Level 3 in childcare and Education. Summer has a level 2 in childcare and Education.
Rhiannon- Nursery Apprentice
Rhiannon has worked at Trinity Corner Nursery since 2024. Rhiannon is currently working toward Level 2/3 in childcare and Education.
Family Time & Learning at home
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Trinity Corner Nursery and to thank you for your continued support throughout your time with us. Please find detailed below information which we would like to share with you on how we like to involve our families in the Nursery.
Daily information sheets are completed on a daily basis showing what your child’s day has been like at nursery and activities they have enjoyed.
Termly news letters are sent home to keep our parents up-to-date with events new policies and general information.
Termly questionnaires are sent home. This helps the nursery take parent views in to consideration and help us improve our practice. There is also a comments, suggestion and complaints book in the nursery entrance where parents can write their views.
Parental packs are available for all parents with information about the nursery including policies and procedures and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Full copies of nursery policies can be given on request.
Notice boards are regularly reviewed and these can be found in the nursery entrance as well as outside play rooms with the latest planning of activities.
Parents evenings are also held twice yearly. This gives parents an opportunity to look through your child’s learning journal, observations, progressing and photographs and share any ideas, also discuss the EYFS which we follow when completing your child’s learning journal and planning of activities.
We have parent evidence sheets as we like to work in partnership with all our parents/carers in meeting all your child’s development needs, we ask that parents and carers, grandmas and granddads, sisters and brothers or aunties and uncles complete these sheets on what your child has done at home and bring these into nursery to be part of your child’s learning journal where staff will use to help towards your child meeting the EYFS and be part of their learning journal at nursery. Parent evidence sheets will be sent home on a regular basis or please take one from outside the nursery room or email the nursery any WOW moments at trinitycorner@btconnect.com
We would also like to invite any parent/carer or maybe grandma or Granddad to come into nursery if they would like to join in with any activity; reading a story, helping to paint a picture or just to talk to the children about an exciting job or holiday. The children love listening to new people and it’s quite exciting for parents and carers to get involved too! Please feel free to talk to Lucy (Nursery Deputy) or Leanne (Nursery Manager) and this will be arranged at a convenient time for all.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S)
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and your child will have a learning journal to show their progress throughout the nursery, with a range of observations, progressing and photographs which show the exciting things and fun which your child has had throughout their time at nursery. The staff plan carefully and put a lot of preparation into following the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure your child has the best start to life, including reflecting on the different way children learn and reflect these in their practice. There are three characteristics of effective teaching and learning these are: playing and exploring, active learning, Creating and thinking critically. We recognise each child as an individual, we observe children in the nursery environment indoors and outdoors during planned activities or even through play so we can plan for their future using next steps and progressing and give children the best to meets their individual needs and interests.
For more information on the EYFS and characteristics of effective learning refer to your parent pack on the EYFS or the DFE website. (Department for Education)
Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and understanding through 7 areas. They will mostly develop the 3 prime areas first and as they grow these will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas
The 3 prime areas are:
Communications and language, Physical development and Personal, social and emotional development.
The 4 specific areas are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design.